
Monday, November 21, 2011

Rome's Trevi Fountain...

Making a wish at the famous Trevi Fountain in Rome.
I visited what I call the wishing well in Rome. My Mom laughs at me since it's actually called the Trevi Fountain. But, I'm not good with remembering names. Sad since it is one of the most famous fountains in the world.

In Italian, Trevi Fountain is called The Fontana di Trevi and is beautiful. It is centred in the small Trevi square located in the Quirinale district of Rome. It was constructed in 19 BC and water flows from the Salone Springs, which is approximately 20 kms from Rome. I was amazed at the size of the sculpture and of course the intricate detail. The centre figure of the fountain is Neptune, god of the sea. He is riding a chariot in the shape of a shell while being pulled by two sea horses. Each of the sea horses are guided by a Trion. One sea horse is calm and obedient and the other resistant, symbolizing the moods of the sea.

Thousands of tourists visit the Trevi Fountain every year. It is estimated that 3,000 Euros are collected each day from well wishers visiting the fountain. A traditional legend is that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain they are ensured to return to Rome. I threw two, just for good measure. Okay, well actually I threw one while I was getting my picture taken, then was reminded after the fact that I was supposed to make a wish. Oops. So, take two I focused on smiling for the photo as well as making a wish. I wonder if that means I will return to Rome more than once.

My Mom and I in front of the Trevi Fountain.

Luigi, who was raised in Rome, is my very valuable tour guide and he just
so happens to be married to my Momma.

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