
Friday, December 23, 2011

Getting ready for the next adventure...

Christmas is upon us and while I am excited to celebrate the festive season in a new country with new traditions I am really looking forward to the New Year. I know 2012 will be a spectacular year and it will mean a continuation of my adventures which we will be starting early! On January 2, Ridley and I will be taking a little vacation to Singapore, as well as Johor Bahru and possibly Malacca, which are both in Malaysia. We have five days so we are going to pack in as much as humanly possible.

Since Ridley is busy at work, and well I am not so busy, I was in charge of booking this said mini-vacation. Being close to Christmas, New Years, and Chinese New Years the only flight 'deal' I could find was to Singapore, but we had always talked about visiting this unique country situated near West Malaysia.   So, we arrive on January 2 and will be staying two nights in Singapore, before we jet north to Johor Bahru and Malacca. We plan to spend a day sightseeing in Singapore as well as a day at the renowned Universal Studios. We will then take the hour bus ride north to Johor Barhu, which is the second largest city in Malaysia. From that point on we are flying by the seat of our pants. That is as long as I don't freak out at the last minute and book our bus tickets, hotels and make reservations for dinner...since I have a tendency to plan everything...and I mean everything, ok maybe I am not that bad. We will spend a day or two in Johor Bahru and maybe a day in Malacca before we head back to Singapore to fly home on January 7. That's right we will be vacationing from January 2-7 and will enjoy every minute of it.

For more information on our destinations check our Wiki-Travel:
Visit Singapore
Visit Johor Bahru
Visit Malacca

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