"For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us."
The moon right before the lunar eclipse. |
A few days ago I watched a lunar eclipse. I stood there in the backyard and watched as the shadow of the earth covered the moon. I watched as the moon turned a vibrant orange and thought how amazing it was to be standing there outside watching, watching the lunar eclipse so clearly. It also made me realize that I was in the moment, just standing there soaking it all in.
See, if you know me, you will know that I am not one to sit still. I sometimes find it hard to concentrate on one task at a time. I tend to multi-task, a lot. I also tend to jump around from task to task, wait a minute that would be considered multi-tasking, correct? But, anyway back to my moment. I stood there amazed at how clear it all seemed. How clear the moon looked in the dark sky, how you could see the details of it with the naked eye. But what I also realized was how in that moment in time everything seemed to stand still. For that very moment I just stood in awe staring at the moon thinking how we are so small in comparison to the entire universe around us, and that I tend not to enjoy each and every moment. It was like I had an 'eat, love, pray' moment, oops I already said I wouldn't turn this blog into my self-discovering journal.
It all reminded me that the most important thing to remember is to live in the moment whenever possible.
These are just a few moments I will never forget.
Gram's 87 birthday and her joking with my nephews. She was always
having fun. |
At the farm with my dad. |
In Italy with my Mom. |
Having fun with my best girlfriends who I grew up with. |
Road trips with my sister. |
Coffee...how can you go on a road trip without it. |
How much we love our family and
how much we know our Dad loves us, can't beat it. |
Being goofy, having fun and just being us! |
My nephews...any moments with them are memories to treasure. |
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