
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Capitoline Museum...

Everywhere you go in Rome you are seeing a part of history. From buildings to the cobblestone streets everything is old. And even though everything is old on this particular day we went to the Capitoline Museum, to see a bit more of the Roman past. The history of Rome dates back approximately 3,000 years. It is one of the oldest cities in the world so you can imagine their museums are just as unique. We were lucky on this particular day visiting the Capitoline Museum because for the first time, an exhibition of sixty-six drawings from both Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci were on display providing a detailed comparison of the two great masters of the Italian Renaissance.

The Capitoline Museum has been traced back to 1471 when Pope Sixtus IV donated a group of bronze statues to the People of Rome. The collections are closely linked to the city of Rome and most of the exhibits come from the city itself. Hundreds of sculptures line the hallways of what used to be the political centre for Rome. The Capitol and Capitoline Musem along with courtyard, building and gardens was designed by Michelangelo.

For more information on the Capitoline Museum visit:

Statue of Venus di Milo.
A fragment of the colossal statue of Constantine in the courtyard.
One of the hundreds of sculptures that line the hallways.
Several painting adorn the walls of the Capitol building.

On the rooftop patio at the museum overlooking Rome.
Another fragment of the Constantine sculpture.

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